Saturday, 9 February 2013

Bedroom Inspiration

Although we moved into our cottage well over a year ago, it still looks like we've just moved in. We still have boxes full of things we want to sell or just simply don't have space for piled up in each room. On top of that all of the rooms look tired and tatty, it didn't help matters that when we got our cat Bootsy he was just a kitten and decided that it would be great fun to scratch and tear at our wallpaper. Basically the house looks nothing like how I want it to and although it's only rented we're lucky that our Landlord is very laid back so we're planning on doing up the house, together with the garden, throughout this year. 

The first room we'll be attempting to tackle is our bedroom. We intended to decorate it last year but as we started to remove the wallpaper we found that the walls were a real mess, so we knew it was going to be a bigger job than we originally imagined. It was close to Christmas so we thought it best to wait until this year so have been left with a bedroom with wallpaper half taken off and mould all up the walls, making it quite a depressing space and not at all relaxing. We'll be decorating soon but in the meantime I have been researching how I'd like the room to look. Whilst perusing the internet I found inspiration at Baixa House Apartments in Lisbon, I love the simplicity of each of the rooms, a complete opposite to my cluttered bedroom, here's a sample of them below.

Don't ask me why but these photos make me giddy with excitement, I especially love the mismatched furniture and lighting, something which we will have to do in our bedroom out of necessity, mainly due to lack of funds. I just hope our bedroom looks half as nice when finished.

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